Brian Dunning wrote:
I got a 12-hour invoice from a consultant who was tasked to do the
- Install a Red Hat machine from absolute scratch for PHP/MySQL/Apache
- Copy over some MySQL databases
- Have mod_rewrite working via htaccess, and have wildcard DNS
I'm a programmer, not a sys admin, I don't think this would take me more
than 6 hours, maybe 8. Even given that I have never set up mod_rewrite
or DNS. I think in 6 to 8 hours I could easily figure that part out. I
have copied many MySQL databases from machine to machine and that takes
almost no time unless the db is huge and or the machines are slow. If
you have the Red Hat install disks, a fast computer with compatible
hardware, and all the information I needed to complete the task, the
install of Red Hat and the other software you want would take the
longest time. Unless I had to do this on location, and therefore
couldn't work on other things, I would have a hard time charging for
most of that time. In my case though, I would be using that time to
research how to config mod_rewrite and DNS. I have to admit it may take
me longer than I think to figure out DNS config. However, if I already
knew that part I say 4 or 5 hours tops.
Chris W
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