Are you sure you're getting the number as you need it from the query?
PHP won't (though I guess there could be a bug) automatically convert a
numerical string into it's numerical equivalent.
If the code you posted produces this problem, then the only possiblities
I see are that the mssql module is returning a number, or the database
query is returning that particular string.
J B wrote:
I suspect I'm far from the first person to have this problem, but I can't
seem to find the right search terms to locate the solution. Basically, I'm
doing a database query and dumping the results into an array. Then, later,
when I try to display the contents of the array, I run into problems. One of
the database fields is a very long number, basically an 18-or-so-digit
serial number. When I tell PHP to print the array variable that corresponds
to that field, I get what looks like a floating point number in exponent
notation. I need to display the entire number as it appears in the database.
Here's the code that does the db lookup and putting the info into the array:
----- cut here
$con = mssql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Database
failed to respond.");
mssql_select_db($dbName, $con) or die("Table unavailable.");
$query = "SELECT * FROM Voucher WHERE (Number LIKE '%" .
$_POST['vouchernum'] . "');";
$result = mssql_query($query, $con);
$result_numrows = mssql_num_rows($result);
$tmpvar = 0;
$vouchers[] = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $result_numrows; ++$i) {
$line = mssql_fetch_row($result);
$vouchers[$tmpvar][0] = $line[0];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][1] = $line[4];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][2] = $line[5];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][3] = $line[6];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][4] = $line[13];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][5] = $line[14];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][6] = $line[15];
$vouchers[$tmpvar][7] = $line[16];
----- cut here
Basically, $line[0] aka $vouchers[$tmpvar][0] is a really big number and
it's being treated like a number when I need it to be treated like a string
and just printed. I tried playing around with typecasting, but I couldn't
get it to do anything different.
Thanks in advance for any help, and if I need to provide more info feel free
to let me know.
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