Shaun wrote:
The following code is attempting to display a list of work types for all the
users in my database. However it only loops through the inner loop once and
I can't work out why, can anyone help here please?
$staff_qid = mysql_query('SELECT
CONCAT_WS(" ", U.user_Firstname, U.User_Lastname) AS "User_Name"
FROM Users U, Allocations A, Projects P
WHERE U.User_ID = A.User_ID
AND A.Project_ID = P.Project_ID
AND P.Project_ID = 38
AND (U.User_Type = "Staff"
OR U.User_Type = "Manager"
OR U.User_Type = "Administrator")
ORDER By User_Name');
$work_type_qid = mysql_query('SELECT
FROM Work_Types
WHERE Project_ID = 38
ORDER BY Day_Type');
<?php while( $staff_r = mysql_fetch_object( $staff_qid ) ) { ?>
<?php while( $work_type_r = mysql_fetch_object( $work_type_qid ) ) { ?>
<td><?php echo $work_type_r->Work_Type; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
Well, if Project_ID is a primary key or unique key of some sort, as I
would assume it was if it's an ID, then the $work_type_qid query will
only return one row.
And because the query is performed outside the outer while loop, it will
only execute once, at the start of the request. If you want the same
SELECT query to be executed over and over (why?) then you would need to
move the mysql_query() inside the outer while loop.
Jasper Bryant-Greene
Freelance web developer
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