Hi folks!
I have compiled PHP 5.0.4 at my Slackware machine at home, I have the
FTP support enable and I trying connect to the FTP with this little scritp:
$connect = ftp_connect("ftp.slackware.at") or die("Couldn't connect to ftp server");
$login = ftp_login($connect,"anonymous","email@xxxxxxxxxx") or die("Couldn't login to ftp server");
$ftp_dir = ftp_pwd($connect) or die("error ftp dir");
$fileArray = ftp_nlist($connect,$ftp_dir) or die("error file array");
echo var_dump($fileArray);
And I always get: error file array, so there is problem with the ftp_nlist I think.
But the sripts work well at my webhosting, but It dont get work it at home at my machine.
May I enable something in PHP? Some settings, or what?
Thanks very much.
Erik Gyepes
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