[snip] I seem to be having trouble with \n and \r in variables. I write my code on a linux box, and the server is linux. So I should always have \n\r, no? Is there a way the I could print $variable; and have it show me the /n and /r 's ? I tried with a srt_replace() on /n and on /r, but they do not get replaced. I also tried escaping the backslash, then double escaping that as was suggested somewhere in the php.net/manual, then triple escaping! Thanks ahead of time for any insight. [/snip] Print to the screen? You could enclose them in single quotes '\n\r'. Are you tring to make these work in a web browser? Because if so it'll never happen, they do not show up. (but you can see the result when you view source) Anything output to the browser to represent this should have a <br> or <br /> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php