You may (or may not) remember me posting to the list a couple of weeks ago asking about using REGEX to get queries out of PHP files for a migration project. I had to let it go for several days, but started working on it again yesterday, here is the code (no REGEX was used in the making of this code); /* * CHA Query Finder * Jay Blanchard * August 2005 * NOT REALLY TOO EXTENSIBLE * * usage: call from command line, perform manual output to text file * i.e. php chaFinder.php > <nameOfFileToSave.txt> */ /* which directory will we be opening? this one, of course */ $theDirectory = $_SERVER['PWD']; /* array of things that identify beginnings of queries */ $arrQueryStarters = array('SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'FROM'); /* cruise the directory looking for PHP files */ if (is_dir($theDirectory)) { if ($dh = opendir($theDirectory)) { while (($theFile = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $fileParts = explode('.', $theFile); /* we only want to look at PHP files */ if("php" == $fileParts[1]){ /* always echo the file name, even if no queries */ echo "filename: $theFile \n"; $lineNo = 0; /* cruise the file looking for queries */ $openFile = fopen($theFile, "r"); while(!feof($openFile)){ $fileLine = fgets($openFile, 4096); $lineNo++; /* loop through query starter array */ for($i = 0; $i < count($arrQueryStarters); $i++){ /* test if CHA is part of the query element */ if(strstr($fileLine, $arrQueryStarters[$i]) && strstr($fileLine, 'CHA')){ echo "Line Number: " . $lineNo . " " . $fileLine; } } } fclose($openFile); } } closedir($dh); } } This returns results that look like this ; filename: adminUsrMgmtVer.php filename: agRep.php filename: agRepExcept.php Line Number: 31 $sqlComm = "SELECT DISTINCT(`TmsCommission`) from `CHA`.`TMSUBS` "; Line Number: 61 $sqlAgImpact = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM `CHA`.`TMSUBS` WHERE ... Line Number: 61 $sqlAgImpact = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM `CHA`.`TMSUBS` WHERE ... Line Number: 65 $sqlAgTN = "SELECT `TmsMastPhoneNumber`, `Tm ... Line Number: 345 $sqlBtnGBTR .= "FROM `CHA`.`TMARMAST` c "; Line Number: 372 $sqlNew .= "FROM `CHA`.`TMARMAST` "; Given this you can see that with some more code I could find the beginning and/or end plus all of the lines in between so that the complete query can be seen and cataloged by file name and line number(s). This is very much what I was looking for. If you have any suggestions for improving this code, or see where I have done too much bull-in-the-china-shop/brute-force grepping they are very much appreciated. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: