Hi all,
I have a problem with a script when it is runs on a Mac OS X
a part of this script simply takes an upoloaded temporary file and
writes it on the local system using ftp functions.
something like:
$filename = $TheNameToAssignToTheFile;
$ftps = ftp_connect($ftpaddress);
$ris = ftp_login($ftps,$ftpuser,$ftppassword);
$fi = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],"rb");
The problem appears when $filename contains special characters, like
accented chars, on Mac OS X the ftp_fput function returns me an error.
I thinked that the problem could depend on the filesystem encoding,
that on Mac OS X is Unicode, so I tryied this before:
$filename = utf8_encode($filename);
this way I have no more an error, but the file name of the uploaded
file results anyway corrupted with strange chars.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
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