Dean Maunder wrote:
I have a large string that I need to send to a script that creates an
eg <img
src='createimage.php?wp=321,43,23,12,43,12,342,54,765,87,3,23,etc etc
Until now this hasnt been a problem just putting the data in the URL,
but now Im faced with a string that is over 3000 characters....which
causes an issue and ends up displaying a red square on my page rather
than the nice data I requested. I cant seem to find a way around this,
someone else suggested posting the data, but how can I post from
HTML?...can anyone help with another solution?
You can't make a POST request for an image using the <img> tag.
What you could do, however, is put the data in a session variable and
access it in the createimage.php file.
Only thing I can think of, however, is that the createimage.php file
might be called by the browser before the calling page has finished
loading (esp. with newer pipelining browsers), and therefore before the
session vars are saved...
You could try it, though. Any other ideas?
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