On 21 Aug 2005, at 12:08, Alex Scott wrote:
Thanks for reply,
But just briefly, why should it have been working for the past
month o.k?
Kind regards,
On 21 Aug 2005, at 11:34, Burhan Khalid wrote:
Alex Scott wrote:
Hi there,
I discovered that our website was not working properly today (To
my horror).
Hosted on redhat enterprise 4.
I think that there is a problem with php 4.4 talking to Apache
mysql 4.1
as the php pages which do not talk to the DB are working but
other php pages are working.
This has been asked before, and answered (even by me).
You need http://php.net/mysqli or change your MySQL configuration
so that it allows 'old style' passwords.
Google for the rest, or STFA :)
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