I just want to make sure of my understanding on something. I was pretty sure I had this down but now I'm beginning to question myself and I'm hoping someone could confirm. * User A accesses page X, which makes a connection to the database. Echoing out the result of the mssql_pconnect() function shows it's using 'Resource id #10'. * User B accesses the same page, X, making another connection to the database. Echosing out the result of the pconnection function shows it's using 'Resource id #10' Now, even though they are showing the same resource id, it's not actually the same connection, correct? Such that when page X begins a transaction for both User A and User B, when that page executes the query and either commits or rolls back the transaction, it won't be committing or rolling back the transaction for the wrong user, correct? So something like this wouldn't happen BEGIN TRAN (user a) BEGIN TRAN (user b) Query (user b) Query (user a) ROLLBACK (user b) COMMIT (user a) with User B rolling back User A's transaction and User A committing User B's transaction (or no transaction at all). My understanding is that the above could never happen and although it shows the same resource id for both users, it is, in fact, two connections. However, some things have been occuring over the last few days that has been shaking my under- standing and I just want to confirm the above and rule this out as a possible cause for the funkiness I've been seeing. thnx, Chris