hah.. I should have mentioned this as well, but my brain is absorbed in... sockets... and xml.. and sending headers manually via fputs.. nothing relative to this discussion at all.. hah.. <?php $_XML_DATA = "<xmlGoesHere></xmlGoesHere>\r\n"; $_FULL_XML_REQUEST = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"; $_FULL_XML_REQUEST .= "<!DOCTYPE REQUEST_GROUP SYSTEM \"SomeXMLdtd.dtd\">\r\n"; $_FULL_XML_REQUEST .= $_XML_DATA; $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER = "POST /path/to/script.php HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER .= "Host: my.server.com\r\n"; $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER .= "Content-length: " . strlen($_FULL_XML_REQUEST) . "\r\n"; $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $fp = fsockopen("my.server.com", 80, &$_FSOCK_ERR_NUMBER, &$_FSOCK_ERR_MESSAGE, 100); ~ if(!$fp){ exit("Failed to open socket..."); } if (fputs($fp, $_XML_REQUEST_HEADER . $_FULL_XML_REQUEST) === FALSE) { exit("Failed to send request..."); } while(!feof($fp)){ ~ // "@" error suppression used on fgets() due to bug in PHP that reports the following waring: // Warning: fgets(): SSL: fatal protocol error in /var/www/secure/dev2/panda/DevTools/LandsafeTest/index.php on line XXXX // No good solution found online, most people adjust their error reporting to ignore warnings (sloppy!) $tmp = @fgets($fp, 4096); $_XML_RESPONSE .= $tmp; } echo "<pre>\n"; echo $_XML_RESPONSE; fclose($fp); ?> = = = Original message = = = Or use sockets... http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.fsockopen.php Just don't send any HTTP headers. kgt tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: >BTW: I made a mistake last time. Apparently with CLI there are headers. You can use "php -q" to suppress headers when using PHP via CLI. Odd. Not sure I had to do that when I wrote a few CLI scripts before. Oh well, something to play with another day (don't have time to check it right now). > >So another thing I may be wrong on.. but a thought.. If you use the header() command, does it prevent the web server from generating it's own headers? > >That is, if you send out "<html><body>Something</body></html" does the web server automatically generate the headers but if you use header() it uses what PHP generates rather than it's own? > >If so.. can you just do: >header(); > >With nothing in it to suppress headers? > >Or can you do something like: > >header("<xml>stuff</xml>"); > >? > >Just thinking out loud since nobody else has responded yet :) > >-TG > >= = = Original message = = = > >I knew my description was a bit mangled; I was trying to keep it short. >Sorry. Take two: > >A "remote server" is sending event records to "my server" using HTTP POST >requests to http://my.server.com/storeit.php, let's say. The remote server >expects acknowledgement by way of a response to its request. My script >("storeit.php") must respond like it would any other page request over HTTP; >it simply uses echo/print to produce a response. > >This would work fine EXCEPT that the remote server is *badly* written. Its >flaw? The HTTP headers included in my response trip it up. For some reason, >it expects just the *contents* of the response, without headers. > >Here's a mock up of the current situation: > > --->Received from remote server > HTTP/1.0 storeit.php POST > Content-Type: text/xml > Content-Length: 35 > Host: > > <DATA> > <KEY>value</KEY> > </DATA> > > <--- Reply sent to remote server > HTTP/1.0 200 OK > Content-Type: text/xml > Content-Length: 34 > Host: > > <ACK> > <ERROR>0</ERROR> > </ACK> > > >What the reply needs to look like is: > > <--- Reply sent to remote server > <ACK> > <ERROR>0</ERROR> > </ACK> > > >No headers. > >-----Original Message----- >From: tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] >Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:00 AM >To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx >Cc: thomascapote@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Subject: Re: How to suppress HTTP headers? > >So their page POSTs to a PHP page that you've created? I'm not seeing where >headers come into play there, they're on output, not input. Maybe I just >stayed up too late last night, but I'm having trouble wrapping my brain >around the problem. > >One thing I did notice was you mentioned switches for CGI vs CLI SAPI. I >expect that there wouldn't be a switch for CLI because no headers are needed >when using PHP command line, therefore nothing to turn off. Again, maybe >I'm misunderstanding the situation but thought I'd throw that thought in the >ring. > >Maybe you can describe the interaction between the system you can't control >and your PHP scripts better. Walk us through it step by step. > >-TG > >= = = Original message = = = > >I am coding a PHP page to deal with a badly implemented automated status >update script on a remote server (that I do not control) which fails if my >response to it's POST request has HTTP headers. Go figure. So the question >is "How do I NOT send HTTP headers in my response?" or "How can my script >suppress headers completely?" Whatever the solution, it should affect only >this page/script. > >In chapter 43, the PHP Manual states: "Though the CGI SAPI provides a way to >suppress HTTP headers, there's no equivalent switch to enable them in the >CLI SAPI." How would one suppress HTTP headers, as noted above, in the CGI >SAPI for a particular page on my site? > >Somebody, please help. >--TC. ___________________________________________________________ Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software. Free download at http://www.ePrompter.com. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php