I'm not php noobie, but still can't understand this behaviour of references. Anybody can show me where the hell is it documented ? Or show any logical conclusions why is it act like this... Just anything. Thanks. Description: ------------ See reproduce code. Reproduce code: --------------- <?php class A {} class RefTest { function RefTest() { $this->a = new A; $this->b =& $this->a; } } $rt = new RefTest(); var_dump($rt); ?> Expected result: ---------------- object(reftest)(2) { ["a"]=> object(a)(0) { } ["b"]=> &object(a)(0) { } } Actual result: -------------- object(reftest)(2) { ["a"]=> &object(a)(0) { } ["b"]=> &object(a)(0) { } } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php