Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Dan Rossi wrote:
Continouing from my previous email I have been reading further on Seb's
blogs regarding bechmarks with PHP5.1 and the different vm's that it
compiles with. I dont particularly understand what the virtual machine
is for, but he does meantion threading. Does this mean PHP5.1 will be
able to run with Apache2 ?
well I hadn't got a clue about this vm stuff but I read that
there are CALL, GOTO and SWITCH [vm?] models implemented. according to
'Seb' CALL goes fastest. But I would assume that offering different vm
models meant that raw speed is not the only factor (otherwise why not
concentrate all efforts on just the CALL code) - could someone** give a
hint (or a link :-) as to what the VMs mean for people who have the choice?
(i.e. in full control of the server running their code)
I could imagine that the different VMs are tuned to different styles of
code (e.g. OO & procedural) or different tasks? (web, cmdline, deamon)
...is this anyway near the truth?
** 'someone' doesn't look very convincing does it? put it down to fear.
The vm's have nothing to do with Apache2 and PHP has worked with Apache2
for years.
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