[snip] Can you give me a quick emaple of how this would work, with an array. I have an array of errors ($errors[]) for a form, when the errors are trigger, I am trying to send them to a window which tells them what the errrors are. I don't really want to get into sessions or cookies. [/snip] The errors are contained in form fields and you have used one of two methods to transmit form information in the form method statement, GET or POST. In your processing script use a print_r to see the array depending on the method chosen. print_r($_GET); or print_r($_POST); It strikes me that I might not have all of the information needed to help you. (call it a hunch) A sample of your form code where the error array is formed would be helpful. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php