I apologize to continue this but what Ryan A did was rude (regardless of
the original issue) and should be a lesson of what not to do for others.
Ryan A replied to a private email from me and sent it to this list. You
won't find my original email because it was sent directly to him.
Very bad form to forward a private email to the list and accuse me of
continuing a thread I never responded to on the list.
Ryan A. left out just one line from my private email:
"This isn't to the public PHP list, which I am a new user. I am reading
and learning about PHP at the moment."
Ryan A wrote:
Hmmmm, strange...last i checked this thread died yesterday and yet you are
exactly what you say is wrong above by reviving this thread...
Karl Bellve
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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