Brian, The format of your string that works for me is : $cmd = "scp $user@stagingcws.$tld:$directory/\{$files\} $tmp_dir"; $files must be a comma separated string with NO SPACES. Here is my complete test script for your review: ==== START ===== #!/usr/bin/php <?php $file1 = 'file_A'; $file2 = 'file_B'; $file3 = 'file_C'; $files = "$file1,$file2,$file3"; $directory = '/tmp'; $user = 'root'; $tld = 'com'; $tmp_dir = '/tmp/test'; $cmd = "scp $user@bmw.$tld:$directory/\{$files\} $tmp_dir"; exec($cmd, $output, $err); echo "string: $cmd \n"; echo "status:$err \n"; print_r($output); ?> === END ==== Hope this solves your problem. --Bob Brian V Bonini wrote:
if($confirm == "s") { //if staging suck the files down to temp local dir first $cmd = "scp $user@stagingcws.$tld:$directory/{{$files}} $tmp_dir/."; echo $cmd . "\n\n"; exec($cmd, $output, $err); //shell_exec($cmd); }
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