I've been given the bombed task of coming up with a pre-moderated
threaded chat solution. I had implemented a moderated flash chat
however with 100 users all making bulky comments to the chat guests, it
became unbearable for the moderator to check them all off in time to
make them cohesive to the discussion, as it was a java xml socket based
flash chat therefore had no threading capabilities.
Now I dont particularly want to have to write something like this in
php, I can just see the Apache 1.3 server with a Mysql backend grinding
as there is no threading. What could be the best solution here ? I use
special tricks these days to prevent page state changing when posting
using XMLHTTP , well I am using a package called Aframe which uses
Sajax but allows for OO based services, so this could be a solution for
the posting mechanism.
However I would need to find the best solution which will use the less
resources when posting, and refreshing, and adding moderated comments
back into the chat thread in the position when it was posted possibly
by the database primary key. If there is better ways either using
sockets to another mechanism let me know.
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