Hi all I would like to thank everybody for helping me. Quite honestly, I didn't even remark the referal id. I guess that's because if your looking at links all day long, you kinda block certain things. Like seeing only the hostname part of urls. Secondly, as far as I am concerned, no harm's done since I specifically asked for free (as in price), I wasn't planning signing up for any paid service at all. So like someone said 35% of nothing is still nothing right? Except, some sites give a (small) buck on referals regardless of signing up. Thirdly, despite what I said previously, which was said after a very long day, and where I was very tired and confusing heads for tails, I do find that anyone who gives a link, and adds a referal id to it, “should” add a disclaimer to the message stating their affiliation. Being shy for money myself, I can understand that someone will take any and all oportunity to make an extra buck, but doing it this way is not very honest. Show your professionalism, add that disclaimer, people will respect you more for it. Thank you all for your help and thank you PHP! Keep up the good work With kind regards Andy Pieters Straight-A-Software -- Registered Linux User Number 379093 -- --BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GAT/O/>E$ d-(---)>+ s:(+)>: a--(-)>? C++++$(+++) UL++++>++++$ P-(+)>++ L+++>++++$ E---(-)@ W+++>+++$ !N@ o? !K? W--(---) !O !M- V-- PS++(+++) PE--(-) Y+ PGP++(+++) t+(++) 5-- X++ R*(+)@ !tv b-() DI(+) D+(+++) G(+) e>++++$@ h++(*) r-->++ y--()>++++ -- ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ -- Check out these few php utilities that I released under the GPL2 and that are meant for use with a php cli binary: http://www.vlaamse-kern.com/sas/ -- -- -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php