A small PHP project

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I do some voluntary work for Anglican Action, a Christian social services agency in Hamilton, New Zealand. We have installed a PHP package called Entiako on a web server (http://www.apexsoftware.ca/products/entiako/entiako.php) -- this is a room booking system. However, we have had some problems with it and we are looking for someone who could make a few small changes to it to suit our purposes. (This is in accordance with the licence agreement, which allows these changes.)
If any of you guys are interested in taking on this short (pro bono) 
project for an organisation that helps shattered families rebuild their 
lives, then please email me: robscovell [{at}] xtra.co.nz
I think this will probably take about 15-20 hrs work at most, if that.


Rob Scovell

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