Well, I've never seen this issue on a form submission before, but I have seen it (and other oddities) when editing text files in vi that we created on M$. You might try something simple first such as:
$text = str_replace("^M\n\r", "\n\r", $_POST['textarea_name']);
I haven't tested that but I'd give that a shot. If you're always getting the ^M before a line break this should work but I haven't tested it to be sure. Even if you have to modify it I would still use str_replace instead of a regular expression since you'll know exactly what/ where the string is that you want to get rid of.
If ^M isn't actually being detected as a literal string you would just replace it with the ASCii value inside of the chr() function.....I think ;-)
Cheers! -Joe www.joewollard.com
David Christensen wrote:
I know I'm missing something, but I can't seem to find it or figure it out. I've done the google search, and I've done a quick scan of the list archives, but I can't seem to find the right way to remove control-M from a form submission page with textarea fields.
I have a series of "textarea" fields that can/and do contain the dreaded ^M characters. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to remove them before I save them to the database, and how to remove the ones that are all ready stored there when I query them back to the browser from a web page. Also, if I do remove them, how do I make sure I format the text correctly when I push it back to the browser as the default values of these fields?
Point me to the elixir of knowledge and let me bath in the fortitude of a master regex expression to rid me once and for all of the dreaded ^M!!!
Thank you, and good night!
"That's why I won't do 2 shows! I won't do it!"