> > I changed everything to GET and it's behaving better! Thanks. > > I guess when the user clicks the back button they should just get > back the last state of the browser...no if, and or but's. This is because when you click the back button on the browser it pulls up the URL from it's history list and attempts to render the page. Note: that the browser only saves the URL in it's history list. When it attempts to render pages that were entered via a GET reference, all the data is available, and when it attempts to render a page that was entered via a POST, it is complaining that it no longer has the "post" data to complete rendering of the page (it only saved the URL). Does that make sense? Warren Vail Solution in PHP for forms that use POST, is to have the PHP routine perform whatever updating is necessary, or what ever, then redirect the browser (header function) to a page that will fetch the data from your database and present the page. The browser thinks that it has uncovered a new URL for the one it found in the link and replaces the URL in the history list which should be a GET type URL. One advantage of this structure is the update will only be posted once in response to a POST and the back button will skip over the update logic (no multiple updates from stepping backward). -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php