On Fri, April 1, 2005 7:44 am, bruce said:
we're trying to find php developers/partners for a project, and we're wondering if there are php user groups in the cali/bay area (san fran/san jose) area that we can talk with, attend meetings, etc...
searching google didn't really turn up anything... we know that there are some php job sites, but we didn't want to post there, given that this isn't a 'salaried' opportunity. this would be strictly startup/sweat equity, ie.. risky as hell!!
Here you may find some user groups:
Regards, Manuel Lemos
PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP http://www.phpclasses.org/
PHP Reviews - Reviews of PHP books and other products http://www.phpclasses.org/reviews/
Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator http://www.meta-language.net/metastorage.html
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