you can setup an ftp in my network places and use it just like a folder on your computer from notepad On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 20:55:49 -0500, Larry E. Ullman <LarryUllman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > WORK WITH PHP FILES REMOTELY WITH NotePad ? YES/NO ? > > I want to know if when be online I CAN OPEN A FILE FROM A WEB LOCATION > > HOST - MINE and after I modify it save it again to my hosting space > > WITHOUT save it to my PC first using NotePad and I mean entering the > > host username&password when OPEN / SAVE ...? ATTENTION: I DO NOT MEAN > > SAVE IT TO MY HDD FIRST AND AFTER UPLOAD IT !!! TELL ME THIS SAMELY FOR > > Dreamweaver MX ? > > First of all, you need to calm down, STOP YELLING, and be less > aggressive in your emails. Remember that you're asking for free help > from strangers here. > > Second, what you are asking is a Notepad question, it actually has > __nothing__ to do with PHP. > > Third, Notepad is a very bare bones text editor and does not have > features like the one you're looking for. > > Fourth, a great way to see what an application can do is open it and > look at the menus. Like File. Like File>Open. > > Fifth, yes, Notepad can open remote files if you can connect to the > remote server from your computer. This is true of any application. > > Sixth, can __you__ actually connect to your remote server from Windows > so that you can open a networked file? Um, I'm guessing not. > > Seventh, many FTP applications let you set an external text editor. > This would let you connect to the server, edit a file in Notepad, and > save it, without saving it to your hard drive first. > > Eighth, many of these answers will be the same for Dreamweaver, > although that's a much more sophisticated application. That being said, > DW probably has the ability to open and edit remote files. You know > what would be a good way to find out for certain? Check out a DW > reference or open the application. > > Ninth, there's is no number nine. > > Tenth, again, this isn't really a PHP question. > > Larry > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: