David OBrien wrote:
At 04:53 PM 3/14/2005, afan@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have table with products. In column categories are listed numbers of categories a product belongs, like:
1. 21,
2. 35, 8, 72, 1, 4,
3. 23, 11, 48,
4. 65,
5. 11,
6. 23,
7. ...
(somebody else created the table this way and I have to keep it for the moment)
Now, I have to list all products that belongs to category with cat. number, e.g. 11.
If I use query: select * from products where categories like '11, ' product no. 5 will be listed but not product no. 3
select * from products where categories like '%11,% ' will list products 3 and 5 but select * from products where categories like '%1,% ' will list products 2, 3 and 5 too - and, 3 & 5 are wrong.
I got from friend this solution:
select * from products where categories REGEXP '(^".$cat_num."|, ".$cat_num.")'
it works just fine if I use 2 digit cat number. e.g. 11 or 26 or 62. But if I select for cat. num. 2 it will list all products from categories 2 and everything between 20 and 29. 32 or 62 will not be listed.
Confusing, ha?
Thanks for any help!
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get the categories in a variable. like
<? $cat = "35, 8, 72, 1, 4,"; $cat = str_replace("," , "|" , $cat); $cat = str_replace(" " , "\\ " , $cat); // this will get you $cat = "35|\ 8|\ 72|\ 1|\ 4|"; $cat = rtrim($cat, "|"); // this will get you $cat = "35|\ 8|\ 72|\ 1|\ 4"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE categories REGEXP '(" . $cat . ")'"; echo $sql; ?>
produces SELECT * FROM products WHERE categories REGEXP '(35|\ 8|\ 72|\ 1|\ 4)' which matches the correct items in my test data -Dave
Maybe I didn't explain very well:
Navigation has list ofo all categories. If I click on e.g. "Travel mugs" (cat_num=3) I have to list all products from that category. Means
$cat = $_GET['cat_num'];
Im my case it's not
$cat = "35, 8, 72, 1, 4,"; then $cat = 3;
Always just ONE number.
I tried what Jamie Alessio said:
select itemNumber from products_test where FIND_IN_SET(".$value.", categories)
(I took out all spaces after comma first)
Now it works just fine.
Thanks Jaime. Thanks to all of you guys for help! :)
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