Jackson Linux wrote:
all you need is 1 if (or if/else) statement, note that my example
is the logical reverse of the first if statement I posted (in reply
to your question):
if (!isset($_GET['r']) || empty($_GET['r']) || !($r =
intval($_GET['r']))) {
// _GET['r'] is either not set, empty or not a positive int
greater than zero.
// the required var is 'bad' so lets redirect the user.
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('location: /yourRvarsucks.php');
} else {
// you'll have to figure out what to do yourself
// if you want to redirect and headers have already been sent!
// now comes the rest of the script (build SQL, run it, output the data)
$where = "WHERE cvjobcats.cv_id=cv.cv_id
AND cvjobcats.jobcat_id = '$r'
AND jobcat.jobcat_id=cvjobcats.jobcat_id";
$sort = "ORDER BY cv.sort";
// etc etc ...
I created this:
$badr = "" )
1. I believe that this:
if (!isset($_GET['r']) || empty($_GET['r']) || !($r =
intval($_GET['r']))) {
// _GET['r'] is either not set, empty or not a positive int greater
than zero.
// the required var is 'bad' so lets redirect the user.
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('location: {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}#bookmark');
} else {
// you'll have to figure out what to do yourself
// if you want to redirect and headers have already been sent!
should kick back anyone who uses a bad or no $r to the location:
However two problems:
1. This is dumb, I'm sure, but when I test this on its own it loops
into a constant redirect, as the page reloads itself (PHP_SELF), hits
the header location and tries again. I want it to keep the same page
name (file.htm) but load a conditional menu if the request is for a
non-existent or bad $r
2. Mustn't I also speficy what to do in the event that the $r is good?
thats up to you, I thought that was the whole point.
Would that be just continuing the script:
if (isset($_GET['r'])) {
if(!empty($_GET['r']) && ($r = intval($_GET['r']))){
} else {
// And if so, then why do I need the IF statement here at all?
Shouldn't this be a WHILE?
// now comes the rest of the script (build SQL, run it, output the data)
do you know include()? http://php.net/include
if (!isset($_GET['r']) || empty($_GET['r']) || !($r = intval($_GET['r'])))
// show a list of R's
// process an R
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