Robert Janeczek wrote:
YaronKh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi It is an expected behavior because when you define a static
variableit is shared by all objects of the same class. If When you
unset one object and the destruct of the static object will be
called, all the other objects will lose the static var as well.
yes, but why destuctor isn`t called after all the execution is finished?
i mean the moment when php does clean up before it finishes to process
oh boy this is tricky water, you might want to search the php-internals archive
for threads where this is discussed in some detail - in short:
don't expect anything to output at shut down time. and don't
rely on objects/resources existing if a dtor is called when php is cleaning up.
basically you can't rely on much at all in a dtor if you are letting php call
the dtor at 'shutdown' (sorry if my terminology is off rgd the termination
process of a php instance)
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