I have a list in php where the user can select 1 or more (rooms book in a b&b). The following code is part of the form. <select name="rooms" size="7" multiple> <option value="Single Standard">Single Standard</option> <option value="Single EnSuite">Single EnSuite</option> <option value="Double EnSuite">Double EnSuite</option> <option value="Twin En Suite">Twin En Suite</option> <option value="Family Standard">Family Standard</option> <option value="Family EnSuite">Family EnSuite</option> <option value="Tripple EnSuite">Tripple EnSuite</option> </select> And then I send using the mail() functin in PHP using the following code but the selected rooms do not display. I know it must be an array of sorts please help!!! msg .= "First Name: $firstname \n"; $msg .= "Second name: $surname \n"; $msg .= "Email Address: $email \n"; $msg .= "Telephone: $telephone \n"; $msg .= "Arrival Date: $arrival \n"; $msg .= "Departure Date: $depart \n"; $msg .= "$adults Adults and $kids Children will be staying \n"; $msg .= "We will require the following rooms $rooms\n"; $msg .= "Message: $addinfo \n"; $msg .= "---------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php