Hi, Does anyone have any good ideas of how to find out what extension was loaded/enabled from what actual file. For example the "ming" extension (thats its internal name) could come from php_ming.dll in my extensions dir. But if the file name is say mingFlash.dll how can i determine (in php) that my ming functions come from the mingFlash.dll file? I had thoughts of getting the name of the first function from get_extension_funcs("ming") and then seeing if the text of the function name appeared in the actual content of mingFlash.dll, but it seems a bit inaccurate and slow. Can unpack help me here? To re-cap id love to be able to say (from within php), yea the ming extension was loaded by enabling the mingFlash.dll in php.ini. Hope that makes sense Zac -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php