Chris Knipe wrote:
Lo everyone,
Can someone please perhaps just indicate to me what is wrong with the
below code? I am getting SQL Result errors, but all the queries
executes successfully.
Errors in browser:
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in
on line 11
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
on line 28
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at
on line 29
Authentication Required.
Below is the code with explanations...
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Cenergy Dialup Admin"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
WritePageStart("Error - Authentication Required", "", "");
echo "<p>Authentication Required.</p>";
} else {
$SQL = mysql_query("SELECT RadiusAdmin.isWIFI AS isWIFI,
RadiusAdmin.isPPTP AS isPPTP, RadiusAdmin.isDIAL AS isDIAL,
RadiusAdmin.MinTokens AS MinTokens, RadiusAdmin.TokenCost AS TokenCost,
RadiusAdmin.CustID AS CustID, RadiusAdmin.Realm AS Realm,
SMTPZones.EntryID AS ZoneID, RadiusAdmin.Username AS AccountName,
RadiusAdmin.Tokens AS Tokens, RadiusAdmin.Balance AS Balance FROM
RadiusAdmin LEFT JOIN SMTPZones ON RadiusAdmin.Realm=SMTPZones.Zonename
WHERE RadiusAdmin.Username='" . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . "' AND
RadiusAdmin.Password=MD5('" . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] . "') LIMIT 1");
^^^ Line 10. Query does execute successfully, and returns 1 Row.
No it doesn't, it returns FALSE (because there was an error). Use
mysql_error() to find out the problem.
if (mysql_num_rows($SQL) == 1) {
^^^^^^ Line 11 (I also tried == "1" to no avail).
It gets $SQL=false since mysql_query() returned false. Use mysql_error()
to find out the problem.
while ($Data = mysql_fetch_array($SQL)) {
$_SESSION['Username'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$_SESSION['CustID'] = $Data['CustID'];
$_SESSION['ZoneID'] = $Data['ZoneID'];
$_SESSION['Realm'] = $Data['Realm'];
$_SESSION['AccountName'] = $Data['AccountName'];
$_SESSION['Tokens'] = $Data['Tokens'];
$_SESSION['TokenCost'] = $Data['TokenCost'];
$_SESSION['MinTokens'] = $Data['MinTokens'];
$_SESSION['isDIAL'] = $Data['isDIAL'];
$_SESSION['isPPTP'] = $Data['isPPTP'];
$_SESSION['isWIFI'] = $Data['isWIFI'];
$_SESSION['Balance'] = $Data['Balance'];
$SQL = mysql_query("UPDATE RadiusAdmin SET LastAccess=NOW() WHERE
Username='" . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . "'");
} else {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Cenergy Dialup Admin"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
^^^^^^^^ This generates the last two errors - hence, my problem is at
line 10 & 11?
WritePageStart("Error", "", "");
echo "<p>Authentication Required.</p>";
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