Dave, Does $store_dir end with a slash? Is it writable by apache? What do your log files reveal? What is the output of the script? On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 15:18 +0900, Dave wrote: > Jon, > Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. I tried > it exactly as you wrote, and it still gives me the message that it > failed to upload. > Also, I actually want to force a name change to the file, so that > regardless of what the name of the file uploaded is, it gets changed to > "imagefile.jpg". I did try it exactly as you suggested, and it didn't > work so I think there is something else I'm doing wrong. But I thought I > should mention now that I want to impose my own name on the file, to > save confusion later. > > Here is the whole if() statement: > > if(move_uploaded_file($_HTTP_POST_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'],rawurlencode($store_dir. > "imagefile.jpg"))) > { > echo("Uploaded ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['upfile']['name']." successfully."); > } > // If the copy function fails output a message. > else > { > echo("Upload of ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['upfile']['name']." to > ".$store_dir." failed."); > } > -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php