Tom Rawson wrote:
I have many places where I use references like this:
if ($fields['flags']['someflag']) ...
or perhaps
if ($_POST['checkboxfieldname']) ...
If there is no value for 'someflag', or if the check box was not
checked -- both of which are often the case -- these generate errors at
level E_NOTICE. Is there any way to prevent references to missing
array elements from generating errors without turning off all E_NOTICE
the answer is to write code that doesn't produce notices. which means
checking the vars (array items) exist before using them.
use of isset() may help you - isset() shouldn't give a notice if you
are checking for an item in an array and it doesn't exist - I say "shouldn't"
because I half remember reading about someone having that very problem,
I can't remember whether it was bogus or a bug in their version of php.
a cousin of isset() is empty() which is not a function as I undertstand it
but a language construct, and will also be of help here I think.
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