Jochem Maas wrote:
Tom wrote:
Sorry Tom, I hit the send button too early!
I mean to add some context to the code below so you would (hopefully)
understand what I mean:
OR define the function outside of the class e.g.
function aFunction($value, $key)
global $aReturnString;
$aReturnString = $aReturnString.$value;
...was meant to be:
function aFunction($value, $key)
global $aReturnString;
$aReturnString = $aReturnString.$value;
class aClass
some other stuff, constructor etc
public function aPublicFunction($anArray)
global $aRetrunString;
function aFunction($value, $key)
global $aReturnString;
$aReturnString = $aReturnString.$value; }
return $aReturnString;
// rest of the class definition goes here...
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