Am Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2005 11:13 schrieb Shaun: > Hi, > > I have site that allows users to upload private information to our server. > We would like to encrypt the data for security reasons and only allow > certain users to be able to un-encrypt the data and view it. I have looked > at the PHP encryption functions and they appear to be one way algorithms - > I am guessing this is the whole point of encrption ;) > > Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this? > > Many thanks hey :) you should use the mcrypt_* functions. Look at the manual pages, you will find there many examples. Here are some functions i use for encryption of private data, may they help you: /** * mcrypt iv generieren */ if(!isset($_SESSION['MCRYPT_IV'])) { $_SESSION['MCRYPT_IV']= mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM); } /** * Encryption * * @param String input - unencrypted string * @return String encrypted string */ function encrypt($input) { $encrypted= mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, SECRET, $input, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $_SESSION['MCRYPT_IV']); $encoded= base64_encode($encrypted); return $encoded; } /** * Decryption * * @param String input - encrypted string * @return String - decrypted string */ function decrypt($input) { $decoded= base64_decode($input); $decrypted= mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, SECRET, $decoded, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $_SESSION['MCRYPT_IV']); return rtrim($decrypted); } -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: