Howdy, Yes, I've googled - and yes, I've searched the archives - but didn't find a solution for my problem. Here's the deal: On a website ppl can react on articles and post messages. The content of a message is given to a function which parses it all, taking care of long "words" which could mess up the interface. Or actually - it does do that. It all wraps perfectly fine with the following lines of code: <?php $txt = 'website ppl can react on articles <a href="">wordwrap</a>'; $txt = preg_replace('#(<a.*>)((http|ftp|www).{13})(.*)(.{20})(</a>)#U', ' $1$2(...)$5$6 ', $txt); $txt = preg_replace('/([\.\?\w\)\(\:\',!\-\=]{30})/', '$1 ', $txt); ?> Unfortunately, this also breaks the weblink address. So, some wordwrapping function that doesn't do that would be cool. So far, I haven't been able to find it or create it myself. Somebody out there feels like giving it a shot? Thanks, Wouter -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: