Hi! Thank you for the reply! I have change the function: function doReg($fname1="",$family1="",$company1="", $MOL1="", $dannum1="", $bulstat1="", $phone1="", $email1="", $username1="", $password1="", $payment1="", $maillist1="", $Addr1="", $City1="", $zipcode1="", $Country1="", $shippingName1="", $shippingFamily1="", $shippingphone1="", $shippingAddr1="", $shippingcity1="", $shippingzipcode1="", $shippingCountry1="") { if(!($link = mysql_pconnect ($DB_SERVER, $DB_LOGIN, $DB_PASSWORD))) { echo "the connection failed"; exit(); } if(!($newresult = mysql_db_query($DB, "insert into users(name,family,company, MOL, taxnum, bulstat, phone, email, username, password, payment, maillist, Addr, City, zipcode, Country, shippingName, shippingFamily, shippingphone, shippingAddr, shippingcity, shippingzipcode, shippingCountry) values('$fname1','$family1','$company1', '$MOL1', '$dannum1', '$bulstat1', '$phone1', '$email1', '$username1', '$password1', '$payment1', '$maillist1', '$Addr1', '$City1', '$zipcode1', '$Country1','$shippingName1','$shippingFamily1', '$shippingphone1','$shippingAddr1', '$shippingcity1', '$shippingzipcode1', '$shippingCountry1')"))) { echo "the insertiont cannot be done"; exit(); } header("Location:http://$HTTP_HOST/$DOCROOT/allright.html"); exit(); } When i try to insert -> the problem is in the insertion. The message "the insertiont cannot be done"; appears. Do you know what could be the mistake? Thank you! Viktor -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php