Hi, I'm trying to do the following but I don't have any success. Could you help me here... I have this code in mu page: <?php include "script/functions.php"; require 'script/common.inc'; $valid = TRUE; if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) { $$key = $value; } $valid = $fn = checkLength($fname, 2, 50); $ln = checkLength($family, 2, 50); $valid = $valid && $ln; $cm = checkLength($company,0,50); $valid = $valid && $cm; $ml = checkLength($MOL,0,50); $valid = $valid && $ml; $dnum = checkLength($dannum,0,12); $valid = $valid && $dnum; $bst = checkLength($bulstat,0,12); $valid = $valid && $bst; $phn = checkLength($phone,3,20); $valid = $valid && $phn; $em = checkEmail($email); $valid = $valid && $em; $usr = checkLength($username,4,10); $valid = $valid && $usr; $ps = checkLength($password,4,16); $valid = $valid && $ps; $ps2 = checkLength($password2,4,16); $valid = $valid && $ps2; $ps2 = $password == $password2; $valid = $valid && $ps2; $adr = checkLength($Addr,3,70); $valid = $valid && $adr; $cty = checkLength($City,2,50); $valid = $valid && $cty; $zp = checkLength($zipcode,2,10); $valid = $valid && $zp; if ($valid) { //-----------------------------------------CHECK THIS------------------------------- doReg($fname,$family,$company, $MOL, $dannum, $bulstat, $phone, $email, $username, $password, $payment, $maillist, $Addr, $City, $zipcode, $Country, $shippingName, $shippingFamily, $shippingphone, $shippingAddr, $shippingcity, $shippingzipcode, $shippingCountry); exit; } } else { $fn = $ln = $cm = $ml = $dnum = $bst = $phn = $em = $usr = $ps = $ps2 = $adr = $cty = $zp = TRUE; $fname = $family = $company = $MOL = $dannum = $bulstat = $phone = $email = $username = $password = $password2 = $Addr = $City = $zipcode = ''; } ?> This is a page with validation. If everything is correct($valid==TRUE), I would like to call doReg which must do the following: function doReg($fname1="",$family1="",$company1="", $MOL1="", $dannum1="", $bulstat1="", $phone1="", $email1="", $username1="", $password1="", $payment1="", $maillist1="", $Addr1="", $City1="", $zipcode1="", $Country1="", $shippingName1="", $shippingFamily1="", $shippingphone1="", $shippingAddr1="", $shippingcity1="", $shippingzipcode1="", $shippingCountry1="") { mysql_pconnect ($DB_SERVER, $DB_LOGIN, $DB_PASSWORD); mysql_db_query($DB, "insert into users(name,family,company, MOL, taxnum, bulstat, phone, email, username, password, payment, maillist, Addr, City, zipcode, Country, shippingName, shippingFamily, shippingphone, shippingAddr, shippingcity, shippingzipcode, shippingCountry) values('$fname1','$family1','$company1', '$MOL1', '$dannum1', '$bulstat1', '$phone1', '$email1', '$username1', '$password1', '$payment1', '$maillist1', '$Addr1', '$City1', '$zipcode1', '$Country1','$shippingName1','$shippingFamily1', '$shippingphone1','$shippingAddr1', '$shippingcity1', '$shippingzipcode1', '$shippingCountry1')"); } The problem is that it doesn't work. I have tryed to put the code from the doReg function in the page and it works. But when I call the function I can't insert nothing. Why is that? could you tell me? Thank you in advance!! Viktor -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php