Greetings: I am having a problem with some php that I have written... In an attempt to clearly state the problem and how it is supposed to work the following may be lengthy, to which I appologize for. I am not getting the results that I am expecting. I am using the following url to access my page. http://localhost/AHRC_PL/ahrc_programleader/ahrc_programleader.php?SID=1&get_switch=0 the ahrc_programleader.php file is supposed to use switch/case statement to determine what action to take: switch ($_GET['get_switch']){ case "0": displayMenu($_GET['SID']); break; case "1": attendanceReport($_GET['SID']); break; case "2": attendanceSheet($_GET['SID']); break; default: // Return Error Message ## TO BE CODED LATER // Reprint Menu } In the displayMenu() function it is (1) supposed to print out a link to get an Attendance Sheet for the SID and (2) check if an attendance report exists using the isAttendance Report() function... if there is it prints out a link to it (ahrc_programleader.php with SID=$SID and get_switch = 1. Otherwise it prints out "No Attendance Report Available". the function isAttendanceReport() is supposed to return either a 0 if no report or invalid session id or 1 for is a report. function displayMenu($SID){ echo "<a href=\"ahrc_programleader.php?SID=".$SID."&get_switch=2\">Print Attendance Sheet </a><br />\n"; if(isAttendanceReport($SID)) echo "<a href=\"ahrc_programleader.php?SID=". $SID . "&get_switch=1\"> Print Attendance Report </a> <br>\n"; else { echo "No Attendance Report Available"; echo $SID; // DEBUG CODE } #echo "Enter Attendance <br> \n"; ## TO BE CODED LATER #echo "Print Progress Notes <br>\n"; ## TO BE CODED LATER #echo "Print Progress Notes with Attendance <br>\n"; ## TO BE CODED LATER #echo "View Participants<br>\n"; } I know for a fact that an attendance report exists for the given SID. Because when I manually put in the URL with the get_switch value = 1 (http://localhost/AHRC_PL/ahrc_programleader/ahrc_programleader.php?SID=1&get_switch=1) it displays the report. When I was testing the code after it not returning results, I had attempted to make sure that it was going through the logic and was reaching the return 1; statement and it was... so I am perplexed... Below I have placed links to the full code for both pages. Additional code file: isAttendanceReport.php code is available at Additional code file: ahrc_programleader.php code is available at Thank You in advance Gary -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: