It's sad to see how the quality of the help you can get in this list has dropped of late. It's not because of the people who post off topic
It's probably just because it's the holiday season and/or people working feverishly to meet year-end deadlines. I know I don't like to be at work this time of year :(
messages or don't bother to read the FAQ or RTFM before posting. It's because of the people who immidiately spring to the defence of the off topic posters.
I see that many people who used to make valuable contributions in this list an year ago no longer make any posting. No doubt they are fed up. Others make fewer contributions than they used to. The way things are going pretty soon it will be a case of blind leading the blind.
Calling the list dead is a bit premature I think... people pop in and out as their time permits. It's not like this is a paid support channel, after all ;) I'm just glad to see some familiar faces now that I'm back to contribute to the list.
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