On 21/12/2004, at 9:41 PM, Eakin, W wrote:
The question is, how much of your time (you, the professional PHP coder reading this), is spent rewriting/repairing old code vs. writing new code.
When I'm working on a new project, my time is generally spent hooking into my existing framework with new code and models.
When I'm making changes to existing projects, I tend to be mainly repairing, modifying and updating code, plus adding a little new code. I'm highly addicted to cleaning and refining my old code, so if I see something messy and have a few spare minutes, I'll always clean up old code to make it better.
I absolutely hate working with other people's code or inheriting a project unless it's really clean and well thought out, and well documented.
--- Justin French, Indent.com.au justin.french@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Web Application Development & Graphic Design
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