I have arrays set up in a user form. One type is from a multi-select list. (I'm passing these through a multi page form as session variables) The multi select list array code is like this: To $_POST (going on to next page)I have this: $_SESSION['industry'] = $_POST['L_Industry']; Then in the final page where the database insert takes place: if ( is_array($_SESSION['industry'] ) ) { foreach ($_SESSION['industry'] as $p ) { $query = "INSERT INTO Prof_Industries (ProfID, IndID) VALUES ('$LID', '$p')"; $res4 = run_query($query); This seems to work just fine as the printout(echo) : INSERT INTO Prof_Industries (ProfID, IndID) VALUES ('118', '1') NOW here is the problem: I have 3 textfield elements all named school[] To post those: $_SESSION['schools'] = $_POST['school']; Then in preparation for insert: if ( is_array($_SESSION['schools'] ) ) { foreach($_SESSION['schools'] as $h) { $query = "INSERT INTO Prof_Schools (ProfID, School) VALUES ('$LID', '$h')"; $res6 = run_query($query); echo $query; } } But here is the problem, it seems if the user didn't input on all 3 textfields the query fails, because the array is printing out like this: INSERT INTO Profiles_Schools (ProfID, School) VALUES ('118', 'Baruch') INSERT INTO Profiles_Schools (ProfID, School) VALUES ('118', '') INSERT INTO Profiles_Schools (ProfID, School) VALUES ('118', '') So you see there is no value for 2 and 3 as the user didn't input. But the array moves through the elements anyway as the ProfID is assigned in the query. 1-I guess I need a way to make sure in the foreach that when the first empty element is reached the loop dies. 2- Why would the second array behave differently then the first ? Stuart Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to makre sure it was clear in details. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php