Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Hi all,
I have tried the following script:
$val = 10000000000;
if (is_int($val)) {
echo $val;
else {
echo "$val is not an integer\n";
The answer is:
10000000000 is not an integer.
Why does this happen? I use PHP 5.
Isn't PHP able to work with values like 10 billion?
Do I need to use a certain special class for dealing with big numbers? How
can I use that class?
Thank you.
reply it's treated as a double since integers have a max value of (-2e32
+1 up to) 2e32-1, which is 4,294,967,296 (4 billion and some). However,
you shouldn't really see any difference in working, it's just treated as
a double inside (a double float, that is). Which means it'll be
written like 1.0e10 internally
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