Hello, I have small problem..
$a = 01; echo $a+1; //this will display 2, instead of 02.
How to get 02?
thanks. Lab.
You need to understand how PHP treats integers. It can never start an integer with a zero unless it's an octal or a hexadecimal number. And PHP will not hesitate to parse a string as an integer. For example, even if you had $a = "01" (clearly "01" is a string), and then did echo $a+1, you would still get 2 since "01" will evaluate to the integer 1.
Read more on integers here: http://www.php.net/types.integer
Now, to answer your question, just use the str_pad() function: http://www.php.net/str_pad
Looks like this:
$a = 1; echo str_pad($a+1, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
This will output "02" as desired.
-- Ben Ramsey Zend Certified Engineer http://benramsey.com
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