Klaus Reimer wrote:
raditha dissanayake wrote:
this one:
- Turck MMCache for PHP
Turck MM Cache does not work with PHP 5. It's possible to compile and
load it and some pages are working but most of the time it segfaults.
By the way: Does anybody know if the Turck MM Cache project is still
active? The last change in CVS is 5 months old, the last release is
nearly a year old. And there were rumors that the main developer was
assimilated by Zend.
I've been running Turck for some time now on PHP5 and haven't had
segfault problems yet. I must say I'm running the latest CVS and using
file sessions (Turck's would give you segfaults). About new developments
there's been a lot of talk in the forums but so far only one person
mentioned having done changes int he code. The original developers have
not answered the call so far so we would have to hope for somebody else
to step up.
Adrian Madrid
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