Re: php array question

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I did a print_r(array_values)    before calling the codes that had errors in
it.. the following content is contained in $this->orders;

Array ( [0] => order Object ( [UserObject] => user Object ( [UserID] =>
E2401 [Pass] => [IsValid] => 1 [UserType] => AT [fonthtml] => [footerfile]
=> resources/footer.php [headerfile] => resources/header.php [Email] =>
testemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [FirstName] => Dennis [LastName] => 5
[Salutation] => [Phone] => 123-456-7890 [Fax] => 321-123-4567 [Address1] =>
555 Testing Avenue [Address2] => Test 200 [City] => Orlando [State] => FL
[Zip] => 12345 [DisplayName] => 52II Rfc [Region] => WEST [OSJ] => 1
[Series7] => 1 [OSJAddress1] => Changed 9:55 Am [OSJAddress2] => [OSJCity]
=> Des Moines [OSJState] => IA [OSJZip] => 4444 [OSJPhone] => 43143431214
[existsindb] => 1 [firsttime] => 1 ) [OrderID] => 392 [CartID] => 90
[TemplateID] => 1 [UserID] => E2401 [completed] => 1 [ordername] => 4312
[existsindb] => 1 [cost] => 3665.2 [totalcopies] => [directmailquantity] =>
[directshippingmethod] => [overprintquantity] => 4312
[overprintshippingmethod] => [rushoption] => Standard [dl1000instancefile]
J. Cunningham II Rfc|Enter your company:|123-456-7890|321-123-4567|Changed
9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA,
gonresources/stockimages/highres/ISI_logo.jpg|Securities offered through
InterSecurities, Inc. Member NASD, SIPC and Registered Investment
Advisor|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA, 4444|C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/printsite/
[flashvars] => 0||0||0|0|341431|Enter your
company:|123-456-7890|321-123-4567|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA,
wres/ISI_logo.jpg|Securities offered through InterSecurities, Inc. Member
NASD, SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines,
IA, 4444| [dbname] => [dbpath] => [age] => [zip] => [gender] => [income] =>
[home] => [homevalue] => [length] => [children] => [childrenAge] =>
[marital] => [networth] => [stock] => [listquantity] => )

[1] => order Object ( [UserObject] => user Object ( [UserID] => E2401 [Pass]
=> [IsValid] => 1 [UserType] => AT [fonthtml] => [footerfile] =>
resources/footer.php [headerfile] => resources/header.php [Email] =>
testemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [FirstName] => Dennis [LastName] => Cunningham
[Salutation] => [Phone] => 123-456-7890 [Fax] => 321-123-4567 [Address1] =>
555 Testing Avenue [Address2] => Test 200 [City] => Orlando [State] => FL
[Zip] => 12345 [DisplayName] => Dennis J. Cunningham II Rfc [Region] => WEST
[OSJ] => 1 [Series7] => 1 [OSJAddress1] => Changed 9:55 Am [OSJAddress2] =>
[OSJCity] => Des Moines [OSJState] => IA [OSJZip] => 4444 [OSJPhone] =>
43143431214 [existsindb] => 1 [firsttime] => 1 ) [OrderID] => 392 [CartID]
=> 90 [TemplateID] => 1 [UserID] => E2401 [completed] => 1 [ordername] =>
4312 [existsindb] => 1 [cost] => 3665.2 [totalcopies] =>
[directmailquantity] => [directshippingmethod] => [overprintquantity] =>
4312 [overprintshippingmethod] => [rushoption] => Standard
[dl1000instancefile] =>
J. Cunningham II Rfc|Enter your company:|123-456-7890|321-123-4567|Changed
9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA,
gonresources/stockimages/highres/ISI_logo.jpg|Securities offered through
InterSecurities, Inc. Member NASD, SIPC and Registered Investment
Advisor|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA, 4444|C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/printsite/
[flashvars] => 0||0||0|0|432141 II Rfc|Enter your
company:|123-456-7890|321-123-4567|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines, IA,
wres/ISI_logo.jpg|Securities offered through InterSecurities, Inc. Member
NASD, SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor|Changed 9:55 Am, Des Moines,
IA, 4444| [dbname] => [dbpath] => [age] => [zip] => [gender] => [income] =>
[home] => [homevalue] => [length] => [children] => [childrenAge] =>
[marital] => [networth] => [stock] => [listquantity] => ) ) 1Object<--value.

392<--going crazy
392<--going crazy

"Ben Ramsey" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> Ben Ramsey wrote:
> > Victor C. wrote:
> >
> >>     $OrderObject =$this->orders[$OrderID=>$value];
> >
> >
> > This line is confusing. $OrderID=>$value is either a typo or is just
> > plain wrong. It looks like what it's meant to say is:
> >
> > $OrderObject = $this->orders[$OrderID];
> >
> > But this will just set $OrderObject equal to $value, so you should just
> > use:
> >
> > $OrderObject = $value;
> >
> > Try that and see if it works.
> >
> Nevermind. I read that wrong. $this->orders is an array of objects, like
> you said, which I glanced over too quickly.
> My statement above still holds, though. $this->orders[$OrderID=>$value]
> still appears to be a typo to me. It might supposed to be:
> $OrderObject = $this->orders[$OrderID]
> which will return the order object at $OrderID location in the array
> ($OrderID being the array key).
> Then, $OrderObject->OrderID should work properly.
> However, I would think that
> echo $OrderObject->OrderID;
> should produce the same results as
> echo $OrderID;
> But I could be wrong since I'm not exactly sure how the order object
> Perhaps doing a var_dump on the $this->orders would help us out?
> --
> Ben Ramsey
> Zend Certified Engineer
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