Victor C. wrote:
$OrderObject =$this->orders[$OrderID=>$value];
This line is confusing. $OrderID=>$value is either a typo or is just plain wrong. It looks like what it's meant to say is:
$OrderObject = $this->orders[$OrderID];
But this will just set $OrderObject equal to $value, so you should just use:
$OrderObject = $value;
Try that and see if it works.
Nevermind. I read that wrong. $this->orders is an array of objects, like you said, which I glanced over too quickly.
My statement above still holds, though. $this->orders[$OrderID=>$value] still appears to be a typo to me. It might supposed to be:
$OrderObject = $this->orders[$OrderID]
which will return the order object at $OrderID location in the array ($OrderID being the array key).
Then, $OrderObject->OrderID should work properly.
However, I would think that
echo $OrderObject->OrderID;
should produce the same results as
echo $OrderID;
But I could be wrong since I'm not exactly sure how the order object looks.
Perhaps doing a var_dump on the $this->orders would help us out?
-- Ben Ramsey Zend Certified Engineer
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