he problem is that SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL, although at the begining of every page I have this code:
ini_set(session.use_only_cookies, "1");
The above sets sessionuse_only_cookies to 1. I did not miss a dot, session and use_only_cookies are interpreted as constants. You need quotes:
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', "1");
session_set_cookie_params(60*60); session_start();
if (!$_SESSION["logged_in"])
etc, etc;
So there are days/times when the SID isn't embedded in the URL (and in the links of the page), and days/times when it is, regardless of what value $_SESSION["logged_in"] has. I tested the value returned by ini_set and it's always different from false. What gives ???
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