I am trying to install PHP and Apache2, however when i execute make install for php, the required libphp.so file does not appear to be compiled/created.
After extracting the PHP 5.3.8 (tar.gz)
# export CFLAGS=-O2
# ./configure --prefix /usr/local/php --with-my-sql --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
# make
# make test
# make install
I can see a file libphp5.module.in (I think thats what it is named, within the extracted source folder, but have searched for and cannot find the reuired libphp5.so file..
OS: CentOS 5.5 64bit
Is there another configure parameter i need to set, or a way to compile libphp5.so individually.
I have searched forums for this, and cant seem to find an answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Mitchell Smith
Mitchell Smith
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