2007/11/22, greatman <greatman321@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
I have a problem. When I start apache i see this message: Cannot load
C:/AeTrayMenu/Examples/AeonservController/php5/php5apache2_2.dll into
server: The sp\xe9cifi\xe9 module is not found
Help me please :D
Well I never used Aeonserv Controller (if it's that: http://www.xs4all.nl/~broekroo/aetraymenu/)
I assume you use Windows.
Have you tried to start apache "manual"? I've never seen an apache complain about that.
Not an apache2 that runs "normal" + PHP.
So it might more be a problem of your Tray tool.
Basic Check
Your Apache HTTPD installation should have (as noted above) an entry in your program menu.
One entry lets you "control" your apache. There is also a monitor and some start stop scripts.
Try these.
A more nerdish aproach
In Windows Control-Center -> ... -> Services:
Check whether there is a service registered (usually Apache2 or Apache2.2)
There is a service:
a) Check apache Server status:
open Shell (run "cmd") and type in "net start" - if there is Apache2 or similar in there, your
server already runs.
b) start apache Server Service: "net start apache2" or "net start apache2.2" depending on your
Apache Installation. if it does say "server started" ... it's a problem of your tray tool.
In any other situation it will tell you an errorcode (most of the time useless). That means you
made a mistake configuring your Apache Server.
on failure:
Apache usually creates a program-menu-folder. One of it's submenus got an entry "test configuration"
run it. It will help you finding the error.
If you want to start / stop apache (or any other service) you want to start/stop manually. I suggest writing
a small batch file containing lines like "net start <service>" or "net stop <service>". These are textfiles their
name ends with ".bat". Also they got an icon representing an application-window. You can add those commands
to your Traytool instead.
- References:
- Apache 2.2 start problem with php5
- From: greatman
- Apache 2.2 start problem with php5
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