try to add a backslash at the end of your extension_dir config line in your php.ini like : C:\php\extensions\ and reload ur phpinfo script to see what's the result
Jerôme Kaluza
Service du Sang
Service Informatique
Croix-Rouge de Belgique
rue de Stalle 96 - 5e étage
B-1180 Bruxelles
Tél. : + 32 (0)2 371 35 27
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Rory M Larson <rlarson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit sur 05/11/2007 18:20:08 :
> Hello,
> I seem to be having trouble getting the PHP-MySQL connector to work.
> I hope this is the right list to ask.
> I have installed the latest versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL on two
> workstations, one XP and one Vista. These are for development, and
> should not be reachable from outside due to a hardware firewall.
> Working from the O'Reilly book "Learning PHP and MySQL" by Davis and
> Phillips, the final step is to install the MySQL Connector, which is
> obtained from dev.mysql.com. The test that the connection is
> working is supposed to be that when you call the phpinfo page, you
> get a section in the middle of the page with the heading MySQL.
> Whatever I try, I do not get this on either machine. The procedure
> is supposed to be that you download a zip file containing two files,
> libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll. libmysql.dll needs to be put in a
> directory that is in the system path, and php_mysql.dll needs to go
> in a directory you create under the php root directory, called
> extensions. Then the php.ini file has to be edited to include the lines
> extension_dir = C:\php\extensions
> extension=php_mysql.dll
> Then the Apache server is to be restarted and the connection should work.
> My first point of confusion is that dev.mysql.com now features two
> separate zip downloads with two versions of their connector file:
> php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll. They recommend php_mysqli.dll
> strongly, but never make it quite clear whether this is in addition
> to the old php_mysql.dll, or whether it replaces it. If anybody can
> explain how these relate to each other from an installation
> perspective, I would surely appreciate it.
> Beyond that, I'm grasping at straws. Most of the examples assume
> that the php root directory is directly under the C: drive, but the
> Windows installer package put it under C:\Program Files. I've
> compensated for the different path name in the php.ini file.
> Hopefully there's nothing hard-coded that's looking for C:\php.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Rory
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