got 5.2.0 on solaris 10 to install.

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we were originally discussing php-5.2.0 on solaris 9, not 10. 
but i have a solaris 10 test box available right now, and not a 9.
so i had another go at it.

initially, i got this error:

/VOLUMES/gizmonics/php-5.2.0/sapi/cli/php -n    \
        -dshort_open_tag=0 -dsafe_mode=0 -dopen_basedir=        \
        -derror_reporting=E_ALL -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddetect_unicode=0    \
        pear/install-pear-nozlib.phar   \
        -d "/opt/depot/php-5.2.0/lib/php"       \
        -b "/opt/depot/php-5.2.0/bin"

produces: php: fatal: relocation error: file /VOLUMES/gizmonics/php-5.2.0/sapi/cl
i/php: symbol xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault: referenced symbol not f

okay, so where's xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault ?

#       in php-5.2.0
dismayed# scour xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault

#       in libxml2-2.6.27
#       omitting doc directory:
./xmlIO.c                       ###  this is the real definition.

ldd /VOLUMES/gizmonics/php-5.2.0/sapi/cli/php
WAS showing me that it was getting /usr/lib/,
not the one i wanted in /opt/depot/libxml2-2.6.27.

here's the change which got php-5.2.0 to __install__, i haven't
done anything to check for sane performance.  this is a script
fragment which was driving my php tests.  the LDFLAGS did it
for me.  the other change was LD_OPTIONS, but i bet it's not

#	jgs, 9 may 2006
#	jgs, 16 nov 2006
#	not everything will support DESTDIR.

#	jgs, 29 apr 2003
#	use version vars.
#	jgs, 12 dec 2003
#	jgs, 10 feb 2004

set GPACK=php-5.2.0
set MYSQLV=mysql-4.0.12
set APAV=apache-1.3.37
set ZLIBV=zlib-1.2.3
set XML2=libxml2-2.6.27

set ODEPOT=/opt/depot

#	yikes!  a collision with suns' libxml2.
setenv LDFLAGS -R/opt/depot/libxml2-2.6.27/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sfw/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/opt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib

unsetenv LD_OPTIONS

#			+---------------+
#			|   configure   |
#			+---------------+
./configure --prefix=$ODEPOT/$GPACK		\
	--with-apxs=$ODEPOT/$APAV/bin/apxs	\
	--with-libxml-dir=$ODEPOT/$XML2		\
	--without-sybase --without-sybase-ct	\
	--without-mysql				\
	--without-pgsql				\

set cstat=$status
if( $cstat != 0 ) then
	echo "$GPACK wouldn't configure" >> /tmp/doit.out
	exit 1
the LD_OPTIONS thing may not be important.  certainly if it's not set in your
environment now you don't need to unset it.

the make and install worked no problem after that.
i don't know whether solaris 9 can be fixed the same way, but you
can have a go at it.


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